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Pit Bull Search Services

With this service you can conduct various forms of research. If you have found a Pit Bull and it is listed within our service we offer a super easy return system so the Pit Bull can find its way back home. Here you can search based on a Pit's name as well as any other current tracking standards such as tattoo, microchip or other ID tracking system by simply entering the information in the search.

For those interested in the research side of Pits we think you will enjoy the user friendly and dynamic nature of our Family Profile services. At the American Pit Bull Registry ( APBR ) our proprietary Family Profile tracking system is the most advanced tracking system in the entire Pet and Registration industries. The benefits of this service are to numerous to mention here. Our best advice is jump in and play around with ALL the options. To see a live dynamic growing example start with the search term "Smoky Mtn.'s Camo".

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