Compact Chart:

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'PR' Greyline's Raider II
'PR' Digo Bluegood
Royal Bloodline El Jefe
91 West To The End Gotiine Legend
Compact Chart: I651Compact Chart: I3516Compact Chart: I16807Compact Chart: I15907
'PR' Barajas' Notorious Juan Gotty
Compact Chart: I643 Westside's Monster Jo Jola
Compact Chart: I3512 Barajas' Ebony
Dogman's Bumper
Compact Chart: I15905 'PR' Blue Fire Pappa Bolo
Compact Chart: I15906 Blue Fire's Hot Stuff
Compact Chart: I652Compact Chart: I8444Compact Chart: I652Compact Chart: I16808Compact Chart: I15903Compact Chart: I16809
'PR' Greyline's Calee Love Bluegood
'PR' Greyline's Calee Love Bluegood
Blue Thunder's Fire
Bluefire's Kali
Gottilines Arnold The Terminator
Compact Chart: I15915 Cowboy
Compact Chart: I15902
'PR' Blue Fire West Superhead Sundae
 Compact Chart: I15909Compact Chart: I15904
'PR' Colden's Blue Rhino
'PR' Barajas' Notorious Juan Gotty
Leon's Goliath
Westbrooks' Do Good Big Boy
Compact Chart: I6137Compact Chart: I643Compact Chart: I16810Compact Chart: I8550
Shepherd's 21 Blackjack
Compact Chart: I6131 'PR' Gottyline's Lucy Lou
Compact Chart: I11887 'PR' Mikeland's Blue Grace
91 West To The End Gotiine Legend
Compact Chart: I15907 Royal Family Bullies' Reign
Compact Chart: I15908 Royal Princess
Compact Chart: I6138Compact Chart: I3486Compact Chart: I16803Compact Chart: I3488
Armendariz' Doja
Mikelands Black Ghost
Leon's Moo Moo
Cervantes' Deja Vu Queen