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Hughzee's Ruff and Ready
Hughzee's Ruff and Ready
Compact Chart: I4826Compact Chart: I4826
Padilla's Blue Tojo
Compact Chart: I9932 (NR) Padilla's Blue Hunter
Compact Chart: I9933 (NR) Padilla's Blue Lady
Compact Chart: I9936Compact Chart: I9930Compact Chart: I9937
Lopez' Blue Boni
(NR) Due's My Lil' Blue Tyza
Gotti Villanueva
Compact Chart: I9956 Pete
Compact Chart: I9929
Kers Shorty Kennels' Zarita Princess
 Compact Chart: I9931
Mangrai's Popeye
(NR) Zuy's Stone Blue Rattlesnake
Compact Chart: I9938Compact Chart: I9939
(NR) Hernandez' Samsun
Compact Chart: I9934 (NR) Salmon's Fawn Blue Heidi
Compact Chart: I9935 (NR) Hernandez' Precious
Compact Chart: I4828Compact Chart: I9940
VO's Pure Blue Purdee
(NR) Galaxy's Lady Alligator