Compact Chart:
Iron Cross' Hollywood I Am

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Busta Rhymes Beast Master
Andrade's Can't Be Stopped
Vasquez' Baloo Thunder
Nuclear Nemisis Nevada
Compact Chart: I3517Compact Chart: I3519Compact Chart: I3459Compact Chart: I3933
Simington's Talka The Town
Compact Chart: I3487 Royal Blue Gen's King Lion
Compact Chart: I3488 Cervantes' Deja Vu Queen
Reyes' Azul
Compact Chart: I3925 'PR' Iron Cross' Iron Tyson
Compact Chart: I3926 Torres-Reyes' Blu Boo-Boo
Compact Chart: I3518Compact Chart: I9196Compact Chart: I3520Compact Chart: I2261Compact Chart: I17816Compact Chart: I3934
Ablepaws' Diamond In The Ruff
Ablepaw's Second To None
'PR' Mott's Che Che Sinatra
Alvarado's Compak Shady Lady
Iron Cross' Iron Giant Disciple
Compact Chart: I35718 Iron Cross' Hollywood I Am
Compact Chart: I35719
Iron Cross' Goddess Athena
 Compact Chart: I28181Compact Chart: I35721
Davis' Pretty Boy Blue Steel
Davis' Pretty Boy Blue Steel
'PR' Barajas' Notorious Juan Gotty
Duran's Boom Boom Mancini
Compact Chart: I19137Compact Chart: I19137Compact Chart: I643Compact Chart: I3461
C&S Big Snoopy Dog
Compact Chart: I28183 Steelhead's Giant Q-Ball
Compact Chart: I19139 Laura's Envy Of Hoff
'PR' Blue Honor's King Henry
Compact Chart: I10595 Mott's Pezzmo Biotch
Compact Chart: I35809 Dacuma's Iron Blue Steel-Raven
Compact Chart: I19142Compact Chart: I19138Compact Chart: I3512Compact Chart: I35810
Gerardo's Precious Moment
Hoff's Deja Blue Of NV
Barajas' Ebony
Duran's Camelot