Compact Chart:
Herberts Dogz Lexi

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'PR' 'GRCH' Gottiline's Dax
Razorsedge-Bowwow Lonesome Desparado
Kinpin Line Too Short
Compact Chart: I23917Compact Chart: I48153Compact Chart: I62664
'CH' Muscletone's Magoo
Compact Chart: I48144 'GRCH' Razors Edge Demon Boy
Compact Chart: I48145 Razors Edge Blueberry
The Bully Spot Ghetto
Compact Chart: I62650 Trailer Bulls Ghetto
Compact Chart: I62651 Trailer Bulls Bullypockets Lena
Compact Chart: I48152Compact Chart: I48140Compact Chart: I48154Compact Chart: I42302Compact Chart: I62640
Muscletone's Stella
Kreep's Kennels Koochie
Razekane Danger
'CH' Dynamights Gargoyle
Compact Chart: I62633 Herberts Dogz Lexi
Compact Chart: I62634
Lionheart's Luna
 Compact Chart: I62639Compact Chart: I62641
'PR' Gottyline's Romeo
Texas Made's Meatloaf
Bolton's Kingdom
'PR' Norcal's The Bull Master
Compact Chart: I13508Compact Chart: I62662Compact Chart: I23449Compact Chart: I34244
'PR' 'GRCH' Gottiline's Dax
Compact Chart: I23917 DCB Tristorm
Compact Chart: I62649 CCB'z Princess Gia
Kingdom Bloodline Platinum
Compact Chart: I62652 Lionheart's Petra
Compact Chart: I47152 Team Ink's Beauty
Compact Chart: I23924Compact Chart: I62663Compact Chart: I51761Compact Chart: I38275
'PR' Gottyline's Barbee
Texas Made's Mala
Gottiline Dream Girl
BCB Baybay