Compact Chart:
Horton's Lacy

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'GRCH' Wood's Mighty Thor
(NR) 'PR' Price's Blue Nitro of Whisper
(NR) 'CH' Vic's Not'rn Blue Blazes
Cloverhills Watuka Spirit
Compact Chart: I2828Compact Chart: I2820Compact Chart: I6636Compact Chart: I1806
(NR) 'PR' Price's Blue Nitro of Whisper
Compact Chart: I2820 Black Irish Kennels' Blaze Steele
Compact Chart: I2821 (NR) 'PR' Price's Blue Lady
(NR) Orban's Snow Prince
Compact Chart: I6634 (NR) Circle K's Blu Re Of Massie
Compact Chart: I5361 (NR) Massie's Mystique
Compact Chart: I2829Compact Chart: I2822Compact Chart: I2830Compact Chart: I6637Compact Chart: I6632Compact Chart: I6638
(NR) Whisper's Astrom Blue
'PR' Price's Sugar-N-Spice
(NR) 'CH' Orban's Singing Chantel
(NR) 'CH' 'PR' Braveheart's Gee Willikers
Double A Big Back Bullies' Juicy
Compact Chart: I6642 Horton's Lacy
Compact Chart: I6641
Horton's Maggie
 Compact Chart: I6052Compact Chart: I6633
'PR' York's Mister Blue
(NR) York's Pirate
Compact Chart: I4788Compact Chart: I6639
Cappucino Bell
Compact Chart: I6629 Adcock's Dior
Compact Chart: I6630 Saddie Burgess
'PR' York's Dream Weaver
Compact Chart: I4782 (NR) 'PR' Jones's Veonica Of Circle K
Compact Chart: I6635 (NR) York's Funny Valentine
Compact Chart: I4789Compact Chart: I6640
Storytime Best Blu Skye
(NR) 'PR' York's Peach Parfait