Circle Diagram:
(NR) York's Tiger Joe

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York's Cherub 'UCD' 'GRCH' York's Blue Bandit Wood's Hunka Reddolt AST Wood's Bull Of The Woods Flying A's Shayla Dee 'PR' Flying A's Cheyenne Kid 'CH' Cheek's Precious Velvet 'GRCH' Kinder's Wizard Gator 'CH' York's Tiffany 'CH' York's Ruffian Gator 'GRCH' Flying A's Spanky 'CH' Dixicheek Reo Speedwagon (NR) York's Midnight Destiny 'CH' 'PR' York's Chocolate Moose Of Flying A (NR) York's Tiger Joe

(NR) York's Tiger Joe Circle Diagram